If you wander anywhere around Manchester city centre, you’ll see the Manchester bees on everything from bins, walls, mosaic flooring, signs and bollards, in the summer of 2018 there was even a swarm of giant bees as part of the public art event ‘Bee in the City’.
The bee is the symbol of Manchester and being a city of industry, there’s no other creature better than this hard-working insect to represent it. The symbol of the bee dates back to the 18th and 19th centuries, when Manchester was at the heart of the Industrial Revolution. Technology and industry were thriving in the city, known to some as ‘Cottonopolis’ because of the amount of cotton fabric it produced.
The Mancunian factories were also sometimes referred to as ‘bee hives’ because the workers within them were so occupied and productive like ‘busy bees’. In 1842, the bee was first officially incorporated into the Manchester coat of arms, which included a globe with seven bees to show how the people of Manchester worked and traded across the seven seas.
Bees can also be found on the Salford coat of arms, the Manchester Ship Canal crest, the University of Manchester crest, the original UMIST (University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology) crest, the original symbol of Lloyds Bank and of course the bee hive and bees on the Boddingtons Brewery logo.
Post your photos of Manchester bees on Twitter with #ManchesterCircular and we'll add them to our Bee Gallery.
#9 - Bee in the City - The LGBTQ+ Queen Bee by CJTaylord Art and Ben Sedman Photography in Sackville Garden
#143 - Bee in Central Manchester Development Corporation sign on footbridge over the Bridgewater Canal, Castlefield
#144 - Close up of bees on Manchester coat of Arms on Edgerton Street bridge over the Bridgewater Canal
#171 - Manchester bee on a digital billboard for Manchester Open Squash Championship 2024, Portland Street
#176 - Floor mosaic beehive and bees on Oddfellows coat of arms, inside Oddfellows Hall, Grosvenor Street
#177 - Close up of floor mosaic beehive and bees on Oddfellows coat of arms, inside Oddfellows Hall, Grosvenor Street
#178 - Stain glass window beehive and bees on Oddfellows coat of arms, inside Oddfellows Hall, Grosvenor Street
#179 - Close up of stain glass window beehive and bees on Oddfellows coat of arms, inside Oddfellows Hall, Grosvenor Street
#186 - Bees on Manchester and Salford coats of arms on Prince's Bridge plaque, now Ordsall Chord footbridge
#187 - Close up of bees on Manchester coat of arms on Prince's Bridge plaque, now Ordsall Chord footbridge
#188 - Close up of bees on Salford coat of arms on Prince's Bridge plaque, now Ordsall Chord footbridge
#189 - Bees on Manchester coat of arms on electricity junction box outside Barca on Bridgewater Canal tow path
#1 - Seven bees on Manchester coat of arms
#2 - Faded bee on bollard near Britannia Hotel
#3 - Bee on display screen near Portland Street
#4 - Bee mural corner of Booth Street and West Mosley Street
#5 - Bee on planter St. Peter’s Square
#6 - Bee on gate post at Library Walk
#7 - Bee and cotton bud on glass panel at Library Walk
#8 - Bee in the City - The Original Worker Bee by Jodie Silverman in Central Library entrance
#9 - Bee in the City - The LGBTQ+ Queen Bee by CJTaylord Art and Ben Sedman Photography in Sackville Garden
#10 - Bee on hire cycle near Dale Street
#11 - Seven bees on globe at Ship Canal House, King Street
#12 - Rainbow bee on bollard on Canal Street
#13 - Bee on sign at Manchester Piccadilly railway platform
#14 - Bee logo at The Coffee Hive, Piccadilly Place
#15 - Bee on cycle hire stand on Aytoun Street
#16 - Bee on mural on Ducie Street
#17 - Bee on the side of a bin
#18 - Bee on the side of a bin
#19 - Bee on Manchester Tatoo Company shop A sign on Oldham Street
#20 - Bee on sign at Manchester Piccadilly railway platform
#21 - Bee on mural on Ducie Street
#22 - Bee on the side of a bin
#23 - Bee on a bollard near Dale Street
#24 - Seven bees on globe at Gotham Hotel entrance, Spring Gardens
#25 - Bee in pavement St. Peter’s Square between cross and library
#26 - Bee on New Union pub, Princess Street
#27 - Bee on New Union pub, Princess Street
#28 - Seven bees and globe on coat of arms, Gaythorn Tunnel
#29 - Bee logo at the Bee House, near Lock 91, Whitworth Street West
#30 - Bee and leaves in glass canopy at Deansgate / Castlefield tram stop
#31 - Bee on a bollard near Corporation Street
#32 - Beehive and bees at Gotham Hotel entrance, Spring Gardens
#33 - Bee on sign outside Piccadilly railway station
#34 - Bees on bus shelter near Piccadilly railway station
#35 - Bee on a stone column next to Rochdale Canal on Redhill Street
#36 - Bee on a new bollard in Ancoats
#37 - Bee on signage at The Manchester Shop, Oldham Street
#38 - Bee on signage at The Manchester Shop, Oldham Street
#39 - Bee on window sign at dental clinic, Booth Street
#40 - Bee mural om Sherratt Street, Ancoats
#41 - Bee in EE Shop window off Market Street
#42 - Bee in window at Essy's cafe, King Street West
#43 - Bee in Akse's Squid Game mural in Copperas Street
#44 - Bee mural near Crazy Pedros Pizza restaurant, Bridge Street
#45 - Bee in window at Manchester Barbers, Bridge Street
#46 - Bee on Bar 11 sign, Bridge Street
#47 - Bee in window at Manchester Barbers, Bridge Street
#48 - Bee in window at Oxid House, Newton Street
#49 - Bee in Credit Union, Lincoln Square
#50 - Bees at 3, 6, 9 & 12 on the Kimpton Clocktower clock face
#51 - Bee on an assistance vehicle at Piccadilly railway station
#52 - Bee plaque in Central Library
#53 - Bee on Bee Network bus
#54 - Bee in the City - The Urban Jungle Bee by Nicola Fernandes in Mayfield Park
#55 - Manchester Bee Network Bee on Transport for Greater Manchester building
#56 - Manchester Bee mural on Stanley Street, Salford
#57 - Bees on Salford Coat of Arms on Irwell Street Bridge
#58 - Bees on Manchester Coat of Arms on Irwell Street Bridge
#59 - Manchester Bee on Manchester Hip Hop Archive logo on New Quay Street
#60 - Manchester Coat of Arms on building at 140 Deansgate, bees may have flown off
#61 - Bee on Aparthotel, Station Aproach, Piccadilly
#62 - Bee on Aparthotel, Station Aproach, Piccadilly
#63 - Bee at My Thai restaurant, John Dalton Street
#64 - Bee at My Thai restaurant, John Dalton Street
#65 - Bee on The Brotherhood sign, Albert Square
#66 - Manchester Bee in the widow of The Old Nags Head, Jackson's Row
#67 - A graffiti bee near Mayfield park
#68 - Bee through the window on Bridge Street
#69 - Monopoly Run Manchester bee 2023
#70 - Bee in the window at Mancunian Barbers, Piccadilly
#71 - Bee through the window at Manchester Central Library
#72 - Manchester bee on the floor at Victoria Station
#73 - Bee in the City, Sylvia by Sneaky Raccoon at Victoria Station
#74 - Bee flower planter outside Victoria Station
#75 - Another graffiti bee near Mayfield park
#76 - Bee at Don Tacos Mexican Grill, Piccadilly Gardens
#77 - Bee on sign at Mancunian Barbers, Piccadilly
#78 - Bee on mural at Ashburys railway station
#79 - Bee on Metrolink tram 3022
#80 - Bees on Metrolink tram 3022
#81 - Bee on sign at bus stop Piccadilly
#82 - Manchester bee on old style bin at Lock 87, Canal Street
#83 - Manchester bee on the end of a steel bench at Lock 87, Canal Street
#84 - Bees in Manchester Coat of Arms, electricity junction box, Lincoln Square
#85 - 14 bees on the Manchester Ship Canal crest, King Street
#86 - Bee and other science / Manchester symbols, Charles Street
#87 - Manchester bee in window at Bridgfords, Hacienda building
#88 - Christmas bee in Piccadilly Gardens
#89 - Bee on building, Exchange Street / St. Annes Square
#90 - Bee hive, old Lloyds Bank building, King Street
#91 - Bees on globe, St. George's House, Peter Street
#92 - Bee bollard by Beemancunian 'I Wanna Bee Adored' Tib Street / Thomas Street
#93 - Bee bollard by Beemancunian 'The HapBee Mondays' Tib Street / Thomas Street
#94 - Bee bollard by Beemancunian Not known? Tib Street / Thomas Street
#95 - Bee bollard by Beemancunian 'Simplbee Red'? Tib Street / Thomas Street
#96 - 7 bees on sheild at Uninversity of Manchester, Oxford Road
#97 - Bee mural on shutters at Bale Street
#98 - Manchester mosaic bee on construction hoarding near Town Hall
#99 - Bee mural next to Vinyl Revival, Hilton Street
#100 - Bee at Cottonopolis, Dale Street
#101 - Boddingtons bees at The City pub, Oldham Street
#102 - Bee on Poetry Discs, Piccadilly Place
#103 - Close up of bee on Poetry Discs, Piccadilly Place
#104 - Bee mural on building, Back Piccadilly and Lever Street
#105 - Bee mural on building, Houndsworth Street
#106 - Manchester bee at Oxid House, Newton Street
#107 - Bees on globe at Police Museum, Newton Street
#108 - Manchester coat of arms with bees on globe at Police Museum, Newton Street
#109 - Bee at Cottonopolis, Dale Street
#110 - Bees on globe at the old Union Bank of Manchester, Piccadilly
#111 - Bee in window at Nails Icon, Bridge Street
#112 - Bee in window at The Brotherhood
#113 - Manchester coat of arms and bees at Bootle Street Police Station
#114 - Manchester bee in window at 39 Deansgate
#115 - Bee at The Oast House, The Avenue Courtyard
#116 - Bees at bus stop, Piccadilly Railway Station
#117 - Bee on glass panel, Crown Square
#118 - Bee on wall near steps by Rochdale canal, Piccadilly Basin
#119 - Bee on wall near steps by Rochdale canal, Piccadilly Basin
#120 - Bee mural at The Flat Baker, Radium Street, Ancoats
#121 - Bee mural at The Flat Baker, Radium Street, Ancoats
#122 - Beehive Mill. Jersey Street, Ancoats
#123 - Bees on Boddingtons sign at the Black Friar pub, Blackfriars Road, Salford
#124 - Bees on sign at the Black Friar pub, Blackfriars Road, Salford
#125 - Close up of bees on sign at the Black Friar pub, Blackfriars Road, Salford
#126 - Bee in window at the Black Friar pub, Blackfriars Road, Salford
#127 - Bee in window at the Black Friar pub, Blackfriars Road, Salford
#128 - Bees on hive under the alter in main hall of Manchester Cathedral
#129 - Bee in stained glass window in Manchester Cathedral
#130 - Manchester's Queen Bee for Equality, Emmeline Pankhurst mural by Manksy, Cathedral Street
#131 - Bee in the City, The Love Bee by Nisha Grover, Manchester Cathedral
#132 - Bee on glass panel at platform 13 / 14 Manchester Piccadilly station
#133 - Manchester bee at Hobs, Deansgate
#134 - Bees on sheild at the Corn Exchange
#135 - Bee in Cosy Club sign, Exchange Square
#136 - Neon bee in window at 0161 Flamin Grill, Portland Street
#137 - Bee on sign at 0161 Flamin Grill, Portland Street
#138 - The Beehive sign at Oddfellows Hall, Grosvenor Street
#139 - Beehive at Oddfellows Hall, Grosvenor Street
#140 - Wooden bee sculpture at Garside Gardens near Upper Brook Street
#141 - Bee in Manchester Gin sign, Motley, Deansgate
#142 - Bee in Manchester Gin sign, Motley, Deansgate
#143 - Bee in Central Manchester Development Corporation sign on footbridge over the Bridgewater Canal, Castlefield
#144 - Close up of bees on Manchester coat of Arms on Edgerton Street bridge over the Bridgewater Canal
#145 - Bees on Manchester coat of Arms on Edgerton Street bridge over the Bridgewater Canal
#146 - The Beehive canal boat on the Bridgewater Canal, Castlefield
#147 - Bee on The Beehive canal boat on the Bridgewater Canal, Castlefield
#148 - Manchester bee on a storage unit near Piccadilly Gardens
#149 - Bee in sign at Piccadilly Gardens food market
#150 - Boddington's bees at Bright Eyes Day Nusery formerly the Grant Arms, Royce Road
#151 - Bee on sign at Parlour Vapes, Chester Road
#152 - Bee on shutter at Parlour Vapes, Chester Road
#153 - Bee at The Spirit of Manchester Distillery, Watson Street
#154 - Bee at The Spirit of Manchester Distillery, Watson Street
#155 - One of the 22 Bee Project bees at Kelly's Irish Bar, Watson Street
#156 - Graffiti bees on building Bridgewater Canal Tow path near Hulme Hall Road
#157 - Bee on a Stagecoach green bus
#158 - A Little Bee by Justin Eagleton at Virgin Money, Market Street
#159 - Bees in the window at The Vurger Co., Tib Street
#160 - Close up of bees in the window at The Vurger Co., Tib Street
#161 - A Mancsy bee picture in the window at Olivier Morosini Hairdressing, Tib Street
#162 - Bees in mural at My Thai, Tib Street
#163 - Close up of bee in mural at My Thai, Tib Street
#164 - Bee on mural at Great Northern Square, Deansgate
#165 - Bee on doors at The Warehouse, Great Northern Square
#166 - Bee at The Beehive At Venue, 29 Jackson's Row
#167 - Bees in poster at The Old Nags Head, Jackson's Row
#168 - Chinese style bee above entrance to Manchester Chinese Restaurant, George Street
#169 - Close up of Chinese style bee above entrance to Manchester Chinese Restaurant, George Street
#170 - Musical bee in Manchester Jazz Festival poster
#171 - Manchester bee on a digital billboard for Manchester Open Squash Championship 2024, Portland Street
#172 - Bees on Salford coat of arms Portland House, Princess Street
#173 - Close up of bees on Salford coat of arms Portland House, Princess Street
#174 - Bees on Manchester coat of arms Portland House, Portland Street
#175 - Close up of bees on Manchester coat of arms Portland House, Portland Street
#176 - Floor mosaic beehive and bees on Oddfellows coat of arms, inside Oddfellows Hall, Grosvenor Street
#177 - Close up of floor mosaic beehive and bees on Oddfellows coat of arms, inside Oddfellows Hall, Grosvenor Street
#178 - Stain glass window beehive and bees on Oddfellows coat of arms, inside Oddfellows Hall, Grosvenor Street
#179 - Close up of stain glass window beehive and bees on Oddfellows coat of arms, inside Oddfellows Hall, Grosvenor Street
#180 - Picture of bees and beehive, inside Oddfellows Hall, Grosvenor Street
#181 - Close up of picture of bees and beehive, inside Oddfellows Hall, Grosvenor Street
#182 - Bee on urban wildlife sign, Manchester University, Upper Brook Street
#183 - Manchester bee on welcome banner at Manchester Piccadilly train station
#184 - Bee on bench near Lock 91, Rochdale Canal
#185 - Close up of bee on bench near Lock 91, Rochdale Canal
#186 - Bees on Manchester and Salford coats of arms on Prince's Bridge plaque, now Ordsall Chord footbridge
#187 - Close up of bees on Manchester coat of arms on Prince's Bridge plaque, now Ordsall Chord footbridge
#188 - Close up of bees on Salford coat of arms on Prince's Bridge plaque, now Ordsall Chord footbridge
#189 - Bees on Manchester coat of arms on electricity junction box outside Barca on Bridgewater Canal tow path
#190 - Seven bees on part of Salford Coat of Arms, Radisson Hotel, Peter Street
#191 - Close up os seven bees on part of Salford Coat of Arms, Radisson Hotel, Peter Street
#192 - Bee at The Union at Manchester Metropolitan University, Higher Cambridge Street
#193 - Bee at The Flour and Flagon, Grosvenor Street
#194 - Close up of bee at The Flour and Flagon, Grosvenor Street
#195 - The Beehive, Oddfellows Hall, Grosvenor Street
#196 - The Bee Hotel, near Deansgate locks, Rochdale canal tow path
#197 - Bee in cast iron bench end, Wellington Place, off Liverpool Road
#198 - Close up of bee in cast iron bench end, Wellington Place, off Liverpool Road
#199 - Bees on memorial bench in St. John's Gardens
#200 - Close up of bee on memorial bench in St. John's Gardens
#201 - Bee in the city, Beejing, by Jessica Perrin, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Higher Chatham Street
#202 - Beehive in the Oddfellows coat of arms on glass door, 184-186 Deansgate
#203 - Bees at Bee City Living, Chapel Street, Salford
#204 - Close up of bee at Bee City Living, Chapel Street, Salford
#205 - Bees on Salford Coat of Arms, pub sign at Salford Arms, Chapel Street
#206 - Manchester bee at The Garratt, Princess Street
#207 - Bee sculpture near New Viaduct Street
#208 - Bee Barbers on Great Ancoat Street
#209 - Blue bee near Holt Town tram stop
#210 - Bee road marking in support of the NHS on Lower Mosley Street
#211 - Bee in the window Pizza Express, First Street
#212 - Bee in the city, Bee Together by Lynda Sterling, St Bride’s Way
#213 - Graffiti bee on Ashton canal near Beswick Street
#214 - Manchester bee at Ethihad Stadium
#215 - Manchester bee at Ethihad Stadium
#216 - Manchester bee at Ethihad Stadium
#217 - Manchester bee on bin, Lincoln Square
#218 - Bee picture in window, HSBC, St Annes Square
#219 - Bee and fishes on painted border below coving, first floor, Manchester Art Gallery
#220 - Close up of bee on painted border below coving, first floor, Manchester Art Gallery
#221 - Bee on advert for Roomzzz, Corn Exchange, Fennel Street
#222 - Bees on advert for Roomzzz, Corn Exchange, Fennel Street
#223 - Bee on post at Cathedral Gardens, Long Milgate
#224 - Bee on water feature at Cathedral Gardens, Long Milgate
#225 - Close up of bee on water feature at Cathedral Gardens, Long Milgate
#226 - Five bees on wooden chair in Manchester Cathedral
#227 - Three bees on wooden chair in Manchester Cathedral
#228 - Bee in the City, Constance Street
#229 - Bee on window, Tyler Grange, Jordan Street
#230 - Close up of bee on window, Tyler Grange, Jordan Street
#231 - Bee at Salut Wines, Cooper Street
#232 - Two bees on bollard, Pall Mall
#233 - Bee mural on Angel Street
#234 - Bee picture in window, Hardman Street
#235 - Big bee, little bee at Number 1, Spinningfields
#236 - Three bees at Bar Moxy, Atkinson Street
#237 - Rainbow bee on bin at Canal Street
#238 - Manchester Pride 2024 bee poster near Manchester Cathedral
#239 - Manchester Pride 2024 bee poster near Exchange Square
#240 - Manchester Bee Network, Shudehill Interchange
#241 - Bee planters and bee posters, New Cathedral Street
#242 - Manchester Pride 2024 bee window mural, Mosley Street
#243 - Manchester Pride 2024 bee window mural, Mosley Street
#244 - Manchester Pride 2024 bee window mural, Slug & Lettuce, Portland Street
#245 - Graffiti bee on Castlefield viaduct
#246 - Bees on Salford Bridge, Chapel Street
#247 - Manchester bee on platform 13, Piccadilly Station
#248 - Christmas bee in St. Peter's Square, 2024
#249 - Christmas bee in St. Peter's Square, 2024
Please let us know if you spot any issues along the route or any errors in the directions.
Please tell us your favourite building, place or hidden gem.